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Hurricane Irma 1

Hurricane Katrina 1

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compound extreme value distribution 1

evacuation 1

hydraulic and disaster prevention engineering 1

multivariate compound extreme value distribution 1

offshore 1

risk analysis 1

storm surge modeling 1

traffic 1

uncertainty analysis 1

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Integrating storm surge modeling with traffic data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of hurricane

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 6,   Pages 1301-1316 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0765-1

Abstract: storm surge modeling and traffic analysis were conducted in this study to assess the effectiveness of hurricaneevacuations through a case study of Hurricane Irma.Model simulated storm tides and winds were used to estimate the area affected by Hurricane Irma.assessment near the area of hurricane landfall.In south-east Florida, evacuation traffic started 4 days before the hurricane’s arrival.

Keywords: storm surge modeling     traffic     evacuation     Hurricane Irma    

The Lesson From Hurricane Katrina 2005——Risk Analysis for Coastal, Offshore, and Hydraulic Engineering

Liu Defu,Pang Liang,Xie Botao,Shi Hongda,Lu Yijun

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 10,   Pages 24-29


Comparison among predicted hurricane characteristics with the Poisson-Weibullauthors in 1982,  Poisson-nested logistic trivariate compound extreme value distribution in 2004 and hurricaneNOAA) shows that the compound extreme value distribution is a more reasonable model for typhoon or hurricane Based on the lesson from Hurricane Katrina,  this paper involved the uncertainty analysis

Keywords: Hurricane Katrina     compound extreme value distribution     multivariate compound extreme value distribution    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Integrating storm surge modeling with traffic data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of hurricane

Journal Article

The Lesson From Hurricane Katrina 2005——Risk Analysis for Coastal, Offshore, and Hydraulic Engineering

Liu Defu,Pang Liang,Xie Botao,Shi Hongda,Lu Yijun

Journal Article